
Pesto is a great with pasta and keeps for weeks in the fridge. Or you can mix some with mayo to create a delicious pesto dip.


2oz/50g fresh basil leaves
1 large clove garlic, crushed
1 tbsp pine kernels
6 tablespoons Mellow Yellow Rapeseed Oil
1oz parmesan cheese, grated


Using either a blender or a pestle and mortar, pulverise the pine kernels, garlic and basil. How long you blend it for depends on personal preference for a smooth or coarse pesto. Then simply stir in the salt and cheese followed by the Mellow Yellow.
Serves 2/3 if served with pasta. Or… simply mix with mayonnaise for a delicious pesto dip.


To store in the fridge, decant into a clean jar (with lid) and pour a little mellow yellow on the top, this will keep the air out and help it to last for longer.