We’re GBC accredited!
“I have always been adamant that we strive to do the right thing and do it to the best of our ability.” says Duncan Farrington. Whether this is in our private life, or in our business endeavours. The environment has been at the heart of Farrington’s Mellow Yellow from the start, which we are well recognised for, but beyond this we ensure that we work in a respectful way. Whether this being looking after our most important asset in our staff team; working with our dedicated suppliers in sourcing the best materials, services and ingredients and, ensuring we pay those suppliers promptly; working with our trusted customers who sell the values of our Farrington’s Mellow Yellow products; or indeed ensuring we pay our taxes correctly.
To my mind honesty and integrity are the simple and only way to run a successful business for the long term – I like to do business with people I like to do business with. We have tried to ensure we work in an honest and trustworthy way from the start, ensuring that every bottle of Mellow Yellow offers great value, produced with great values. Therefore, we were delighted to learn about the Good Business Charter which recognises that businesses like Farrington’s should be recognised for their good work.
We’re delighted to announce that Farrington Oils has recently achieved accreditation with the Good Business Charter! This accreditation, open to UK businesses and organisations of all sizes, recognises responsible business behaviour across ten key components. We feel that it is important to be accountable in the way we do business, and by gaining accreditation we are demonstrating our commitment to our staff, suppliers, customers and the environment. If you would like to find out more, please visit the GBC website.
Chairman of the GBC Board, Simon Fox, said: “The Good Business Charter brings together 10 standards, most of which already exist, but in separate places. We have brought them together to give a coherent overall position for businesses to aspire to. We believe that the GBC has enormous potential to change business practice for good.”
What is the GBC?
The Charter is an initiative developed and overseen by the Good Business Foundation, an independent charity established by entrepreneur Julian Richer. Working with organisations including the Trade Unions Congress, Institute of Directors and Federation of Small Businesses, they have set a benchmark for responsible business practice, which is accessible to all.
The Good Business Charter is a clear indicator that differentiates those organisations that can commit to our 10 components from those who cannot. The Good Business Charter exists for all companies and charities across all industries and sectors and works through a simple online self-certification process. The GBC and its members seek to inspire many other businesses to follow suit.
The GoodBusiness Charter brings together ten standards, most of which already exist, but in separate places. They are:
Real Living Wage
Fairer Hours and Contracts
Employee Well-Being
Employee Representation
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
Environmental Responsibility
Pay Fair Tax
Commitment To Customers
Ethical Sourcing
Prompt Payment to Suppliers
What will GBC Accreditation bring to Farrington Oils?
-We commit to pay our directly employed and regularly contracted staff the real living wage as defined by the Living Wage Foundation.
-We commit to communicating and using fair, transparent contracts for our employees that are mutually beneficial and accepted by both us and the employee. Farrington Oils does not have any zero hours contracts.
-We will actively support and encourage employee well-being treating those with legitimate sickness in a fair and respectful manner and promote access to impartial support and advice for employees with physical and mental health needs.
-We commit to having a way where every employee can make suggestions or raise issues with senior management.
-We commit to have robust measures in place to encourage diversity at key stages of recruitment, selection and retention of employees and to prevent harassment or victimisation in the workplace.
-We care about the environment and encourage the development of good environmental practice as an organisation, seeking to minimise our impact and commit to improve it.
-We commit to pay our taxes where applicable, only use tax allowances for the purpose intended, and be transparent in our relationship with HMRC.
-We have a clear commitment to our stakeholders and prioritise addressing and learning from stakeholder feedback, seeking to put negative issues right.
-We commit to ethical sourcing of anything we purchase, such as by applying standards set out in the Ethical Trading Initiative Base Code where relevant.
-We commit to paying our suppliers promptly, and within at least 30 days.